Robert Lee Boles, Jr.
Let me share a little about myself
My name is Robert Boles, #156632, and I work in the prison library as a law clerk. I been incarcerated for 42 years and 7 months.
Biographical Information
MDOC Number: 156632
SID Number: 0850662E
Racial Identification: Black
Gender: Male
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5′ 11″
Weight: 187 lbs.
Date of Birth: November 06, 1956 (64)
Background Information
I know that there are people out there that know and understand that people are flawed. As such, we makemistakes. Sometimes they are not mistakes in and of themselves, but faulty thinking brings about faulty behavior.This not to minimize anyone’s actionsin any given situation, mine included. But only to have someone who mayunderstand that what a person does, isn’t always who they are as a person. I feel like this about myself. Eventhough I have made so many errors, through bad judgement, and even though I still tend, from time to time, tomake the wrong choice, they are not as frequent as in my early years.So, to anyone out there who is willing to take the chance of getting to know someone who is flawed and knowsthey are, but who is always trying toimprove them self, and therefore has no judgements about anyone else,please reach out to me.I thank you in advance for not judging me before getting to know me. Until I hear from you…whomever you mightbe…because I know there aren’t a lot of people out there who think in this way
My mind is open to ideas, and my intellect feed on a free and open interchange of opinions. I regularly jog and do calisthenics. I read a variety of books and I enjoy interacting with people. Also, I wish to complete my Paralegal Studies and bachelor’s degree through correspondence classes.
I am presently the Michigan litigator for a project out of England called “Actual Innocent Prisoners.” If a prisoner is innocent, and can prove it with documentary evidence, we provide them with a voice on social media, by creating a webpage, completely free of charge. I examine Michigan cases by reviewing court records and I request further information/evidence, if required. If an individual meets our criteria, we welcome them to the project. You can link on to the website for further information:
You can contact me by way of JPay, my inmate is #156632
I am presently gathering support letters from family and friends to be submitted within 2-3 months to the parole board with application for commutation.
I seek general advocacy, mentorship, tuition assistance, publishing assistance, books for reading, prayer partner and friendships.
Podcast with Robert Lee Boles, Jr.
Coming soon